

sábado, 12 de enero de 2019

Día 1 Winter Biannual Blibliothon Challenge: Winter Snow Storm Fun

Hi, readers! Today is the first day of Winter Biannual Bibliothon (if you don't know what is, go to my most recent posts) and I have to say that I barely have could read because today was of day to many things for me. But anyways, the night is long haha and I am here pretty excited to do the first blogger challenge of the BIBIB.

In this challenge, we have to name three characters, 2 types of food/drink and 1 song you'd want to have to survive being in a car with, in the middle of nowhere during a snowstorm.

So this is mine:

Percy (Percy Jackson's series), Julian (Caraval), Finch (All the bright places) and I go to the coffee shop for some to eat, when we are already in the car with our coffee and tamales, suddenly a snowstorm starts so we hurry up to drive to home. But then while we are singing along Lost of Japan by Shawn Mendes, Julian, who is driving, realized we are lost no in Japan but in nowhere and also the car gets stuck in the snow. 
So, that is how we got stuck in the middle of nowhere eating our coffee with tamales and singing aloud Lost in Nowhere, waiting for someone to rescue us.

The End :D

I hope you like it, I think it could be very cool that that happens haha.
Also, you are still on time to join the readathon and for those that are already in, I hope you are enjoying and reading much.

Happy readathon and readings, see you soon! 

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